I wanna go back into action again!
Facebook Group
Hi I am a FTM and have a 4 month old.
I am hoping to get some advice on how to re-enter the workforce. I do not qualify for Centrelink and have no family to support us with care of bub. I am unsure if I access a Family Day Care (preferably) or Child Care Centre first or apply for jobs first. I am unsure if I should apply for 2-3 days (16-20hrs PW) or if that will be too demanding on myself and/or bub. I am also currently breastfeeding. I like to be upfront and honest so also not sure if I mention bub in application or at interview stage.
I am happy to work in an Administrative role and have great resume/experience. previously higher Administration roles. I however do not have any business contacts in Newcastle area who know my work ethic.
I am looking for work and Child care in Warners Bay/Teralba/Toronto/Glendale/Charlestown/Mt Hutton areas.
Thanks in advance
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20477 - 2022-02-04 18:27:19
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